2014-08-10 - RCT with the Usual Suspects

^z 21st February 2023 at 8:02am

10~ miles @ ~11.3 min/mi

"You hold the camera for the selfie," I tell the quiet woman in white at the National Park Seminary. "I'm sweaty, and I hate to see my arm sticking up into the foreground!" She silently agrees, and does a good job taking the mile 9+ photo of us.

Sunday morning is humid; the shirt is soon soggy. In spite of deliberate exploratory meanders en route to the Candy Cane City 0730 rendezvous I'm early. So circle the ballfields, loop back to the stables, and greet flocks of training-group runners trotting down Rock Creek Trail. When the last of the Usual Suspects arrives (~12 min late, which makes for a slow Mile 4 split) head upstream.

One climb of the Mormon Temple hill is enough. Barry and I lag behind Ken and Rebecca as we tour Kensington, revisiting streets where DD practiced driving yesterday. The ancient iPhone 4 is still acting erratically, perhaps a consequence of yesterday's sweat-soaking? The on/off switch on the wrist Garmin GPS is likewise becoming iffy.

Two rabbit sightings today, one on a lawn at the corner of Hale & Birch, the other crossing Kensington Parkway. Runkeeper and Garmin capture data.

^z - 2014-08-28